Vet 2 Cat

If you are arranging a visit for a vulnerable adult

A lot of Vet2Cat’s clients are single, elderly people with only their (often also elderly) cat for company. A house-visiting vet is ideal for this type of client and cat.
Since starting Vet2Cat we have come across many situations like this. The visit may have been arranged by a family member or carer, but they are unable to be present at the time.
Therefore, to protect any vulnerable adults, their pets and ourselves, we have developed a protocol for adult safeguarding, after consultation with various local council safeguarding boards and The Alzheimer’s Society.
  • If you are arranging a visit for a vulnerable adult, ideally try to arrange for yourself or a member of the family, a friend or carer to be there at the same time. This is especially important for adults with dementia.
  • If no one else can be present for the visit, we shall adhere to the following framework:-
    • We will write a full report of the details of the visit and give/send copies to the client and, with consent from the client, to the support network who can be involved in decision making
    • As far as is possible, we will not be out of sight of the client unless absolutely necessary to assess the cat
    • If we feel that the client may not be able to make informed decisions about the cat’s care and treatment plans, we will only administer emergency treatment on the basis of animal welfare, until such a time that we have permission from the support network to proceed further
    • If we have reason to believe a client’s support needs are not being met, or that they are being mistreated or exploited in any way, we are within our legal rights to report this to the local authority, with or without the person’s consent, but it will always be discussed with the person
    • If any animals at the property are deemed to be suffering beyond the means of the client, we are obliged to inform the RSPCA.
We have found from experience that visits involving such vulnerable adults are much more time consuming, not only on-site but afterwards with the additional paperwork involved.
There is a surcharge fee applied for our extra time of £50.