Vet 2 Cat

Cat of the Month - September 2024 - Tilly

CAT OF THE MONTH September 24

The changing season as Autumn sets in, fits well with this month’s Cat of The Month, as it is with great sadness we are awarding this one posthumously.

We have selected Tilly, who we had to help cross the Rainbow Bridge a few weeks ago.

We at Vet2Cat all had a special place in our hearts for Tilly & her 2 hoomans, all of whom are such wonderful characters. I wouldn’t say she relished our visits as such, but she just had a great personality, she put up with the check-ups, and regular arthritis jabs of Solensia with an air of ‘Fine, if you must, just be quick about it!’ And she would make it very clear when she’d had enough – if looks could kill!

But a gentler cat you would struggle to find, she never lashed out, bit or scratched – just glared!

Tilly had her 2 hoomans well trained; for example, only water sprayed onto the grass was good enough for Tilly, never mind all the fancy water fountains they spent good money on!

We’d been looking after Tilly since 2021, when she was pretty lame with arthritis, and have since seen her through bouts of diarrhoea and vomiting, blood tests and ultrasound scans, dental extractions, and inadvertent eyeball damage.

Not long ago she started losing weight rapidly and was really off her food, after a scan done by vet Claire on the kitchen table, she recommended referral to see the specialists over at Optivet, as there were some concerning findings. The chaps at Optivet got some samples from lymph nodes inside her abdomen and found a diagnosis of lymphoma. This is a type of cancer that can affect the intestines as well as other parts of the body and can range from slow-growing and not all that much of a problem to more aggressive forms. Unfortunately for Tilly, she did not respond to the basic treatment and went downhill rapidly.

It is so hard and so sad to have to make a decision of euthanasia for your beloved, adored pet, but it is one that brings about a release from suffering. We have to be brave sometimes.

We send our love and strength to Tilly’s mums, and hope time will help the Tilly-hole shrink, filled with lovely memories.