Vet 2 Cat

Cat of the Month - June 2024 - Ronnie


We’re so near the end of July now, I can barely remember what happened in June! But one little guy really does stick in our memories, so the winner of June 24 Cat of The Month is Ronnie!!

This gorgeous young tabby boy graced himself into his current hooman’s life last year, having decided to move out from where he was before. After an agreed transfer of ownership, he has slipped his furry paws under her table nicely, and is the apple of her eye.

Poor Ronnie recently had received a wound to his leg during his adventures out and about and required a small operation to fix it, performed in the comfort of his own living room! And what a good little patient he was – as soon as he had recovered from the anaesthetic, he was giving purrs and head rubs to vet Claire. Was he saying ‘Thank you for fixing me’, or perhaps ‘Feed me!’ We will never know!

Ronnie has made a full recovery now, (despite his total refusal to have any antibiotics slipped into his supper!) and his bald patch is slowly growing back.