Vet 2 Cat

Cat of the Month - July/ August - Persha

Cat of the Month – July/ August – Persha

So where did that summer go?! The kids are back at school and the roads are busy again. Although we’ve been a bit quieter on the visit-front, we’ve been busy behind the scenes. For those of you in the know, we were recently anticipating completing on a lease to set up our very own clinic, only to have the carpet pulled from under our feet – the landlord pulled out 2 days before the anticipated completion. so it’s back to searching for somewhere suitable. So with our minds elsewhere, we only just realised we missed Cat of The month for July, so are combining July and August into one.

And the winner is Persha!

Persha is our oldest patient on the books – at a grand age of 22 years old!!

A beautiful grey and white girl with the softest fur and a gentle temperament, she has recently been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism – no great surprise at this age – plus a recent bout of an infection of her gall bladder but she seems to be responding well to treatment for this. What is surprising, is that her kidneys are doing really well! At 22years of age this is remarkable. She is a lovely ol’ puss and a pleasure to look after.